Off-Earth Henge and the scale of decay
Complexity and Novelty: transcription of McKenna (part 1)

Evoking McLuhan into outer space

The idea that the pressure of outer space provokes a confrontation with scale that can be mediated through aesthetic language - with objects projected onto the vectors of scale - perhaps gives an answer to the question "What Next?".

Back to McLuhan. With the invention of move-able type, the Gutenberg press, we entered into the era of print. Print is sequential, and our cultural absorption in (or by) the printed page has changed the human sensory ratio. We think in certain ways, assume certain postures of intellectual processing simply because all our information is written down and read one word after another.

McLuhan talks about the Auditory quality of electronic media, the all-at-one-ness that comes from multiple streams of information. Electronics applied the pressure of Connection to the printed word. We're living now in the continuing wave of McLuhan's insight

So the question is, what has the relationship to electronics that electronics has to print?  What has the relationship to Auditory that Auditory has to Lineality? The aesthetic vectors of scale are age, duration and size.  Along the way to the end of each spectrum,  we pass a point where we leave the realm of the human.  We turn around and see remaining our mortal life, heartbeat about once a second, arms about a couple yards, life expectancy about 60-85. 

Pressured (pressurized?) by these vectors, our electronic culture moves into what?    Exposed to mortality?  Extracted from time?  What word for this?That's an open question, I'm up for suggestions.When I started to type the title for this post, I began with "Evolving McLuhan'.  That, I thought, is mighty presumptuous.  Thanks to my poor keyboard skills - and the auto-spell feature on my iPad - I ended up with "Evoking".
