138: meditation notes - a timer or a stopwatch?
140: quotidien sounds - daily life remix

139: Magic space rockets, and an update on my opera.

Picking back up on my opera ("Love,Love,Bing,Bing"  an opera about the Soviet Space Dog program).  Focusing for now on the text and trying to figure out some more details about the characters, specifically the character of The Program Director.  There's a history of bizarre occult influences on early Russian rocket science, and I'm digging up articles on Konstantin Tsiolkovskii -  self-taught, possibly Theosophist, certainly eccentric and now recognized as the 'grandfather of Russian space travel'.  

Listen to the latest episode and subscribe: Apple iTunes or Android or download the episode directly:  

Listen to "139: Magic Space Rockets, and an update on my opera" on Spreaker.

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