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164: meditation notes - the outcome will come out

Confidence in the outcome of scrutiny,  Authenticity and spontaneity will come out of the processes and practices of an examined life as surely as water on heat will boil.

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163: the joy of fiction

Why would I turn my efforts towards a 'magically realistic science fiction trilogy"?  What indeed!

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Listen to "163: the joy of fiction" on Spreaker.

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162: Socratic Aporia

Talking to Socrates often left his talking partners bewildered, dazzled, unsure of what any language or thought might mean.  We're given the word Aporia to describe this sensation. Socrates might say that a good life is one spent seeking out Aporia, and this podcast would agree.

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Listen to "162: Socratic Aporia" on Spreaker.

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161: meditation notes - a trend line?

Can I create a trend line based on the resonant patterns that arise, abide and dissolve?  From the smallest thought to the longest pattern I can be aware of - - if I dumped that information into a spreadsheet and calculated a trend, what would my confidence be in those results? 

Listen to the latest episode and subscribe: Apple iTunes or Android or download the episode directly:  

Listen to "161: meditation notes - a trend line?" on Spreaker.

More episodes on  meditation notes here:

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160: journals, different types of...

Sometimes I journal simply for the pleasure of feeling pen on paper ( an excuse to collect cool notebooks and beautiful pens).  Sometimes I journal to track habits - I'm a fierce proponent of the premise that priority processes will make progress with 20 minutes a day religiously practiced.  I journal daily as a matter of hygiene, to listen to the noisy part of my brain.  those pages are discarded after monthly review.  And I have a creative journal that sits beside the piano and next to my Drinking/Thinking Chair to capture fleeting ideas that may become podcast episodes, essays or new composition.

What about you? Anyone keep a daily journal of their activity?

Listen to the latest episode and subscribe: Apple iTunes or Android or download the episode directly:  

Listen to "journals, different types of..." on Spreaker.

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