The Larkin Project

165: Aurelius vs Larkin

Marcus Aurelius mirrors Socrates in his analysis of death - - Larkin categorically ( and in quite wonderful poetry) disputes.  

Listen to the latest episode and subscribe: Apple iTunes or Android or download the episode directly:  

Listen to "165: Aurelius vs Larkin" on Spreaker.

More episodes on  meditation notes here:

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131: reading Larkin "Required Writing"

"Required Writing" is a collection of journalism written by the poet Philip Larkin.  I picked up a copy because included in the book is a transcript of an interview he gave with The Observer newspaper...I'd seen the interview referenced elsewhere and wanted to read the whole thing.  

listen to the latest episode and subscribe: Apple iTunes or Android

or download the episode directly

Listen to "131: Larkin Required Writing" on Spreaker.


some more thoughts on Larkin

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121: reading Larkin ( Faith Healing)

There's a deliberately ambiguous comma ( or missing comma) towards the end of 'Faith Healing', a poem which captures so much of Larkin's obsessions...including magisterial punctuation.



Send me a note at [email protected].

The Larkin Project ( electronic music based on samples of Larkin reading) here:

I'm making a push to build up my youtube channel.  Here's an easy link to subscribe.

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new music: Sketch(Sylvia)

Here's a short sound sketch using a few syllables from a recording of Sylvia Plath reading one of her poems.

I remember hearing Omagio a Joyce when I had just finished college.  I didn't know much of anything, but I knew I loved that piece.  Luciano Berio created a sonic structure based on a recording of Molly's monologue  at the end of Ulysses.  It's extraordinary, even more so given that it would have been manually sliced audio tape.  

I was taking some composition classes at College Park, and had access to a good studio.  Although I did try my hand at cutting tape, I started to write using a Fairlight and a short sample of Dylan Thomas ("and she rose with him, flowering in the melting snow").  Another piece that's lost to the unforgiving archive in my studio. 

In the Dylan Thomas piece, I tried to take short phonetic material and extend the sound in some cases to create a melodic instrument.  I've always come back to manipulation  of a human voice (check out The Larkin Project, also on bandcamp).   I really like what I'll call the blubabilablob  effect.  A cascading or flowering shower of sound all kind of based on a couple of related seed sounds.  

Granular synthesis made this a lot easier, and now my ipad has such awesome glitch software available.  Enjoy.

new release: The Larkin Project now available for download

The Larkin Project is a set of pieces all composed with sounds and samples  derived from the recorded voice of poet Philip Larkin.  You can stream through the player here, or follow through to bandcamp and download a copy of your very own.

Coming soon...ZenGlop mugs and t-shirts!

The Larkin Project: secret pre-release video

The Larkin Project is music inspired by the recorded voice of poet Phillip Larkin.  "Cod Poetics" are 5 pieces on the album that are the most removed from his voice.  They retain only the outline of the recitation, the cadence of fragments.

Free album to anyone who can tell me within 100 feet where I'm standing when the video was filmed.


Release scheduled for early February.  I'm also working on an Amazon storefront, where you'll be able to get ZenGlop fridge magnets.

The Larkin Project (more)

Another short selection from The Larkin Project, while I figure out uploading to iTunes.   (More available Follow @ZenGlop on Twitter for details.
The Larkin Project is music inspired by the recorded voice of Phillip Larkin.    Here's a line or two from Aubade...
And so it stays just on the edge of vision, 
A small, unfocused blur, a standing chill 
That slows each impulse down to indecision. 
Most things may never happen: this one will, 
And realisation of it rages out 
In furnace-fear when we are caught without 
People or drink.

The Larkin Project

I'm working on the final edits for a new album, The Larkin Project.  Pieces inspired by the recorded voice of poet Phillip Larkin....follow @ZenGlop on Twitter (or sign up for notices from this blog). I'll be sending out short , sweet little teasers for the next few weeks while I figure out how to get the thing up on iTunes.  
The Larkin Project title.001